Finding our way is often so much easier if we can follow someone else. We can learn a lot from the experiences of others, especially concerning the purpose and meaning of life.

Take courage, I have overcome the world
At age 16 I had two clear conclusions: #1 Life is boring, #2 Life is unfair. Someday I will graduate, go to work, get married, have children, get old, and die. Life is boring! But my situation was better than most. I had a good family, good grades, and the …

What was I looking for? Unconditional Love
“I still haven’t found what I am looking for” – a song of the famous rock band “U2” – accurately describes the first 22 years of my life. What was I looking for? I guess for what everyone desires: love, acceptance, security, purpose and meaning of life. Although I had …

Successful Top Executive Learns How to Love
No daddy to run to and say “I hurt myself today,” or even, “I got in a fight today, but I won!” What happens to that same little boy when his mother remarries, but tells him, “Never disturb your step-father; he is too busy for you?” For me, these realities …

Expert Liar Learns About Faith From Her Children
March 6, 1945 is known in history as the day when communism was officially established in Romania. Simply saying, it went from a royal Romania to a communist era, which promised to create the ”NEW MAN.” In 1948, the law for the nationalization of industry and agriculture was passed, which …

Suddenly it was no longer just a historical event
I grew up in a small village not far from Vienna. All I was interested in was soccer. Georg Schmidt, the former coach of the national team, told me about the young Hans Krankl that he would set up a goal on all four sides of his living room so …

I thought Christianity was stiff and vague
I grew up in a Roman Catholic family in a small village in Hungary. Based on my first experiences with believers there, Christianity was not attractive to me at all. As a child, I saw stiffness and ambiguity rather than God’s loving grace. When I was in high school, I …

She was a beautiful lady but the marriage seemed hopeless
As I was a child I had some Roman Catholic influence in the local church in Diósd. But as I was growing up I faced different philosophies and views through the educational system at that time in Hungary. To tell the truth I liked those better. As a young professional …

Become a scientist and make amazing discoveries
My name is Krisztina the mosquito. I was a cheerful, skinny, blonde teenage girl when I got the nickname. It wasn’t a compliment. I stung others with funny comments with a highly developed critical attitude. Deep down in my heart, I wasn’t evil, but I didn’t care who I hurt. …

My husband announced he wanted to divorce
It all started on January 31, 2006, that day God found me and grabbed me, He pulled me out of the not-quite-right life I had lived in until then. My marriage was in crisis. After 10 years of acquaintance, 4 years of marriage, my husband announced that he wanted to …

Wasted Years: Successful But Empty
Now that I am older, I look back on my life with more of a reflexive or philosophical point of view. We can’t go back and make changes, but I really, really, really wish that I had become a Jesus follower very early on. They were wasted years when I …

How to get tremendous joy out of despair
Her ankle was broken, and it was all my fault. I was a camp counselor near Crater Lake, Oregon. We had gone for a hike in the woods. We didn’t go near the Rogue river, it was too dangerous. Instead we hiked to the Mammoth Sugar Pine. It had been …

Does God Care About Me?
A few months ago, I moved to a new country with my husband and young son. We lived in a borrowed home for a couple months while looking for a long-term place to rent, and we were overjoyed when a beautiful home became available at the beginning of November. I …

How to download the Bible (3026 versions)
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

How to overcome misery with supernatural joy
In December 2019 my dad passed away and I was heartbroken. I hadn’t realized before that I was a “Daddy’s Girl” and I felt the loss deeply. Within a couple weeks everything seemed to go awry. We ran out of gas on I5 (the new/old truck had a broken gas …

Does God answer prayer? Mine does.
I talk to God like my dad. I tell him what I am worried about, what excites me, what I am thankful for. I remember when I was tired of being alone and feeling like my life was in a rut. I told God all I wanted was a date …

Mismatched Shoes: How to Overcome Obstacles With Prayer
I grew up in Oregon, but after finding the love of my life, I married a Texan. After living in his hometown of Amarillo for nearly 20 years, my desire to move closer to my parents grew. My father was in poor health with congestive heart failure and I began …

I Was Inches From Death But God Protected Me
Through the years God has been a continuous source of guidance, provision and protection. For example, when I was in high school one of the big decisions was where to go to college. I was choosing between three science and engineering schools: MIT, Cal Tech, and Harvey Mudd. Each one had its own …

My Clean Conscience Had a High Price, But Enormous Value
Everyone eventually comes to a pivotal point in their life. I grew up on a small farm in the Midwest. My father had grown up Catholic but my mother was raised Evangelical Protestant and refused to convert to Catholicism or raise her children in the Catholic Church. Surprisingly, when my …