What if some of the basic things you believe about your existence are not true? Even if the person or people you received the information from did not intentionally deceive you, even if they believed it firmly themselves, the impact on your journey to life is the same. Lies have power to control us, to manipulate us.
Believe it or not, not everyone even has the same definition of reality. There is a very popular understanding today, that reality is personal. Others may tell you that science determines what is real. Still others believe real freedom is doing what you want to do. But is it?
Which of these perspectives seem reasonable to you?

Only matter matters: Your life purpose is survival
“The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be.” –Carl Sagan Naturalism says that only what can be tested and proven by science is real. When my biological functions cease, “I” cease to exist. Game over. Therefore, the goal is to increase biological life in quantity and …

Science defines reality: A hugely popular dumb idea
“We don’t believe in God, we believe in science”, said the couple. Many people today consider it uneducated to believe in God. This misunderstanding comes from two basic problems: not realizing the limits of science, and relegating the rest of human experience to superstition. “According to the scientific naturalist version of …

Freedom: A shrewd trap to sabotage love, happiness, and truth
“Doing what you want” is the definition of freedom in the dictionary. The problem is that when we pursue complete liberty and the pursuit of our desires, it does not lead to happiness or to love. The correct order is for the mind to direct the will to achieve certain …

Money = Success: The Truth about the Treasure Trap
Many believe that our existence is purely physical nothing more, that accumulating wealth and everything that comes with it leads to fulfillment. Materialism is really a secular religion. “Material Girl”, Madonna’s hit in 1984, illustrates this worldview. This is how she explains her view, “’Cause the boy with the cold …

Personal Reality: Belong to a lonely dream world
Have you ever heard “That’s only true for you”? The thinking goes like this… Since each of us came from different backgrounds with various experiences we each view reality from our own perspective. Like the blind men describing the elephant. The one who grabs the leg says, “it is like …

Religion 101: How to make sense of all those religions?
All religions are basically the same. Wow, that is a big oversimplification! I suppose you could also say that all people are basically the same. If by this you mean they are born, die, and breath, then yes, we are all the same. But if you look deeper some are …

God Taboo: How to Be Dumb About Faith
You might have heard this viewpoint in various forms: “We don’t talk about religion.” “Religion is culturally determined.” “My life is just fine as it is.” “Faith is a personal matter.” (You are intruding by talking about it.) Of course, faith in God is a personal matter! Each person has …

How to Overcome Extinction: Darwin and Genetics
“On the Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin in 1859 is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. It postulates that complex life forms began from primitive life forms due to mutation. This theory is deeply entrenched in modern academia and is even proclaimed as fact on Wikipedia and …