She was a beautiful lady but the marriage seemed hopeless
She was a beautiful lady but the marriage seemed hopeless

She was a beautiful lady but the marriage seemed hopeless

As I was a child I had some Roman Catholic influence in the local church in Diósd. But as I was growing up I faced different philosophies and views through the educational system at that time in Hungary. To tell the truth I liked those better. As a young professional I thought I can find for myself the best things in life so I can become a ”self made man”. Though I seemed a good guy, I faced more and more consequences of my bad decisions. Then came a beautiful lady in my life and we got married but after a while the marriage seemed hopeless. As I look back God sent me some rescue boats but I still wanted to live my life ”my way”. Then we were invited to a Bible study group in Diósd and after hesitating for a while I said yes.

We started with the Gospel of John and after a time I was convinced that there must be something that changed Paul and the other people who experienced God in their lives. So after a year or so of studying and attending that home group – at the age of 38 – I accepted Christ. It was shocking for me that God started working on me from that very moment and I felt changes in myself. One of His greatest gifts for me was our daughter Lilla since we got her for my first spiritual birthday – exactly the same hour and same minutes as I accepted Christ a year before. And God has not finished blessing our life since then.

My wife and I started serving in a growing home fellowship. Ildi started the children’s ministry and I started the youth ministry. We are still working with kids and students and some years ago started another home group. We have been full time missionaries since 2006 and our goal is to continue fulfilling the Great Commission that Jesus gave us, to make disciples. (Matt 28:18-20).