My name is Krisztina the mosquito. I was a cheerful, skinny, blonde teenage girl when I got the nickname. It wasn’t a compliment. I stung others with funny comments with a highly developed critical attitude.
Deep down in my heart, I wasn’t evil, but I didn’t care who I hurt. I was very busy with how the world works, a real fan of the sciences. I only believed what was based on visible evidence. My dream was to become a scientist and make amazing discoveries.
I had heard of Christianity, but I had not personally known a believer. I even read the Bible, but it remained in me like a collection of wise stories. After graduating, I went to university abroad. There I met a young missionary who invited me to a meeting. Here, young Africans sang songs praising God with passionate music. Although I considered myself to be extremely smart (self-criticism was, of course, lacking in my well-developed critical sense), I did not perceive the events of my own life too quickly. It took several weeks, maybe months, before I noticed that I was no longer going to the group because of the music, I was slowly finding true friends. They helped each other selflessly, listened to each other’s joys and sorrows, and told that Jesus Christ had died for them on the cross and given them new life. I didn’t understand much of the latter, but I began to pay more attention to the lyrics, the biblical details, and the common prayers. Incidentally, I also prayed: I asked questions, made requests to God. And God answered! Sometimes there was an answer in the Bible, or an acquaintance uttered the right sentence for no apparent reason, other times simply what I asked for happened.
“Just a coincidence” I said, for a long time, until finally my scientific, critical attitude forced me to face reality: either there is no God and I experience coincidences daily, or there is a God and He answers. As long as He didn’t exist, God was ok, I didn’t have to pay attention to Him. But if He was there and talking to me, I was going to be accountable. From then on I had to pay attention. As I searched the Bible again, I began to admire the love of God. Even though mankind was disobedient, H still sent His Son to save those who believe in Him. I admired that, but I knew I didn’t need such “redemption,” because I’m a regular girl, I don’t steal, and do other bad things. I continued reading the Bible, praying regularly, and inspecting my own life.
I didn’t like what I saw. I realized that Mosquito isn’t a nickname, it’s apt. Once, we traveled by train with the worship band, singing Christian songs. The atmosphere was so good, I felt like a member of the team too and it filled me with happiness. I thought about where that feeling came from. I looked back over the past year and understood that my life had changed forever.
I hadn’t been the star in a long time! The story is about me the “good girl”, that I too need the sacrifice of Jesus. Only He can bring complete peace with God, I just have to ask God for forgiveness. Then one of my friends asked “What are you thinking?” I decided to be honest. “Remember how many times you asked – when are you going to become a Christian? Ask me again.” We prayed together. I knew I could no longer and wouldn’t want to live without God.
I still watch the scientific news with interest, and I rejoice in the genius of God’s creation. I love my nickname because it reminds me how much I have to pay attention to my words. When I read Jesus’ conversations I learn what loving words and teaching are like. I know I still have a long way to go, but I also know I don’t have to journey alone. Have you ever met the most loving and loyal companion? Or are you still going your own way alone? –Krisztina