Spiritual Life? How to invest in your supernatural self.

Spiritual Life? How to invest in your supernatural self.

Humans are unique beings, they are a combination of both body and spirit. The body is dependent on food and has a lifespan of 70-80 years on average. The spirit does not have those limitations. These posts deal with questions about God and the spiritual side of our lives.

Born of the Spirit, the Ultimate Secret

We don’t think much about the spiritual world in our post-modern age. Perhaps there are parts of the world where people worship spirits, but that does not concern us here in Europe. We believe in science. Actually, we have been deceived into thinking there is a contradiction between science and …

How to Make Sense of Suffering? 3 Ways

Many people are convinced that God does not care about us. This view is usually presented as a question: “If God exists why is there so much suffering in the world?” This is a question, but often it is given as a proof, as convincing evidence that no God exists. …

How to see Pain, Suffering, Karma, according to Jesus

What did He say about pain, suffering, and birth defects? How did He answer those questions? There is a fascinating account of when his disciples asked this very question. Read the whole story first in the Bible in the Gospel of John 9:1-41 then read on below. “Who sinned this …

God of Covert Operations: How to See a Secret God

There is another aspect of the question of suffering and the existence of God. One might wonder why an all-powerful God does not make His existence more obvious. Where is God when you need Him? Is He really all-powerful? Is He really a God of love? Why doesn’t God intervene? …

Quest for the Historical Jesus: How to know if it’s true?

Over the years various “experts” have asserted that Jesus either did not exist or his story was embellished over the years to become supernatural. This lie is often presented as a question, a quest, or a search for evidence. The best advice we can offer is, check it out. Don’t …

Bible FAQ: 6 Great Questions About This Best Seller

What is so great about the Bible? The Bible is the foundation for Christianity. It is God’s divine revelation to us letting us know how much He loves us and His intense desire to have a personal relationship with us. The Bible is an accurate historical record and it can …

Believe in God? So what? The Truth About Christians

Many people think it is enough to just believe in God. Somehow, they got this idea that God wants more people to believe in Him. That isn’t it. God isn’t insecure and He does not need to be popular. The Bible points out: “You say you have faith, for you …

Good Enough for Heaven? 3 Truths to Worry About

If you are one of those people who think you are good enough to go to heaven, here are a few things to consider: (1) If heaven is a place of perfection how can anyone be sure they are good enough? Most of us have regrets, mistakes we have made …

Your problem? Evil. How to cure spiritual cancer

Not just your problem, our problem as humans. I’m hoping that you have already looked at our post about joy, peace, purpose, and have read one of our journeys to life. Maybe you looked through some of the posts about reality, empty worldviews, and good reasons to believe in God. …

How to know whether God exists or not: 5 questions

There are many who deny there is a God, others say that it doesn’t make any difference, and others still who don’t want there to be a God who might interfere in their lives. But the hard evidence for God is everywhere we look. Scientists tell us that the cosmos …

3 Popular Misconceptions About – What happens at death?

In our journey to life we really need to consider death. Ask those around you, and most assume they are going to heaven, if it exists. Let’s be clear about the importance of this topic. Whenever you talk about living forever somewhere, it would help to know for sure where …

What is a Christian? How to become one

Many people today don’t have a clear idea of what a Christian really is. Some consider themselves Christians but are not. Rather than explore all the wrong ideas of what various people think, let’s just start with a simple definition and work from there: A Christian is a follower of …

Beautiful Answers to 5 Questions Muslims Ask

Often people from an Islamic background or culture have very similar questions or objections when they consider Jesus and Christianity. We will help to address those questions with reasonable answers. Our goal is not to debate or criticize other beliefs but to provide useful information to help you in your …

How to watch the historic JESUS film (Now over 2068 languages)

Then Download the Bible and read the historical record in the Gospel of Luke.

How to download the Bible (3026 versions)

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Awesome Answers to Killer Questions Related to Cain

Have you ever considered the life of Cain from the standpoint of genetics and evolution? Most people have heard the tragic account of Cain and Abel. In Genesis 4 we are told that Cain killed Abel, then moved to the land of Nod, where he and his wife had a …