Your problem? Evil. How to cure spiritual cancer
Your problem? Evil. How to cure spiritual cancer

Your problem? Evil. How to cure spiritual cancer

Not just your problem, our problem as humans. I’m hoping that you have already looked at our post about joy, peace, purpose, and have read one of our journeys to life. Maybe you looked through some of the posts about reality, empty worldviews, and good reasons to believe in God. Now you want God in your life. If that isn’t you, then those topics would motivate you to read this.

Are you the kind of person who wants the bad news first? If you do want God in your life, here is the problem:

  1. We all sin and offend God. (Romans 3:10-12)
  2. Our sins separate us from God. (Romans 3:23)
  3. The wages (consequences) of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)

Get the picture? Sin destroys us and God can’t stand it.

What is sin?

Sin takes many forms – greed, hate, murder, theft, and adultery to mention a few. But those are the obvious ones everyone thinks about. There are other sins that are not so obvious – selfishness, pride, self-absorption, arrogance, impatience, lack of mercy or forgiveness, drunkenness, gluttony, deceitfulness, judging others. These are not even good for us and certainly not for those around us.

I’m not so bad.

It may seem like it isn’t a big problem, but sin is corrosive to us and those around us. God even knows our thoughts and is concerned about them, because thoughts lead to words and actions.  God wants the very best for us – the best life possible. Sin keeps us from real life.

How much cancer do you want in your body? Sin is a cancer. We are all infected. The closer we get to God the more aware we are of our own sinfulness. (Isaiah 6:1-5; Luke 5:8-9) We are all sinners – even those who seem to be very good people. Mother Teresa, who was a totally committed servant of God helping the poorest of the poor in India, confessed to being a terrible sinner. Each time we do not love our neighbor (anybody) as ourselves, we are sinning. Any time we do not acknowledge God, as the Creator of the world and the one we should trust, we are sinning.

God made a way.

How can a Holy God deal with us as sinners?

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Notice that it wasn’t based on our performance or goodness, Christ died while we were sinners. God sent His one and only Son, Jesus to pay the price for our sins, to redeem us. Through Jesus our sins are forgiven. It is a gift – It can’t be earned only accepted and believed.  He lived a sinless life, then offered his life in our place, in obedience to His Father. God has given us forgiveness through Him and gave us His righteousness. When we have come to Jesus, confess we are sinners and ask His forgiveness, we can have a personal relationship with God. It leads to joy and peace and a successful life.

Who is Jesus Christ?

He is the one and only Son of God who came to earth to rescue us from our sin and to allow us to have an eternal life in Heaven with Him. He will transform our lives on earth and then bring us to Heaven. He was born over 2,000 years ago in Israel to an earthly mother. God chose His earthly father too, also descended from king David.  He lived for about 33 years with His ministry on earth being the last 3 years. He lived a sinless life. He enlisted 12 disciples and preached and taught in a pretty small area, primarily among Jews. He performed many, many miracles: healing people, transforming water into wine, raising people from the dead. He was rejected by most of the leaders, since his teachings didn’t conform to their traditions. In the end he was condemned unjustly because the ruling religious leaders were threatened by His teachings. He was beaten, whipped, and then crucified, dying a very painful death. Three days later, He rose from the dead, and appeared to over 500 people over the next 40 days. (1 Cor. 15:3-8) He then returned to Heaven to be with His Father and sent His Holy Spirit to be our comforter and guide. Jesus’ mission was to reconcile us with God.

Jesus came to give you an abundant life, a life filled with peace and joy and purpose. That does not mean you will live a life without problems or trials. But it does mean that you can have joy and peace no matter what your circumstances: rich, poor, healthy, sick, loved (by those around you) or unloved (but always loved God). Our purpose is to live a life like Jesus: loving, merciful, humble, compassionate, kind, truthful, generous and faithful. To acknowledge God as the Creator, to honor and glorify Him.

  • Read one of the four biographies of Jesus’ life with eyewitness accounts, the Gospel according to Luke. (Luke 1)
  • Watch the JESUS film based on this historical document. (Available in over 1800 languages.)
  • Download a Bible app for your phone or tablet for Android or iPhone

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Then Download the Bible and read the historical record in the Gospel of Luke.