How to Use

How to Use

The Gospel Hasn’t Changed But Our World Has

Are you really connecting with your audience?

How to Share Jesus Today

When you find life in Jesus everything changes, and you want people you care about to know Him too. You realize that you were rescued and you want to rescue others. How can we introduce others to Jesus? Times have changed but the good news hasn’t. We just need to change how we share it in our tech savvy modern age. Handing out literature feels old fashioned, but QR codes are everywhere! Inviting friends to meetings or church is much harder, but we communicate on many electronic platforms with hundreds of “friends”. Many young people don’t view religion as relevant to life today, but they feel empty. We can’t start with “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” if they are convinced that God does not exist. What should we do?

When you talk to people personally explore their felt need. Ask questions, like Jesus did. Answer their questions using prepared thoughts. Point them to resources to explore in their spiritual journey. Pray for God to open their spiritual eyes! Lead with your personal experience, your story with God.

Script for training video

Here are the benefits of sharing your story:

  • It is your personal experience
  • There is no doubt it really happened
  • No one can argue with it
  • It fits our post-modern, experience-oriented culture
  • It points to the reality of God at work in our lives today
  • It is biblical

What is the difference between “your story” and “your testimony”?

Well usually we think of a testimony as a specific story from your life in 3 parts: your life before you met Christ, how you met Him, and how your life changed. That’s great, and it is excellent practice to write this out and memorize it. But there may be other times in your life when God made a difference. One of these events would also show God is real but may be more current or interesting for others to hear. Write out your story and share it online using LifeFound.Me:

  1. Prepare your story of a time when God became real in your life.
  2. Include links for 2 or 3 favorite posts (articles) on our website
  3. Submit Your Story
  4. We will add your story and send you a user login allowing us to track contacts that come from you.
  5. Open the link on your phone browser and add a bookmark or shortcut on your home screen
  6. Share with those you meet. Ask them to scan the QR code from your phone.
  7. Include the link to your testimony page in WhatApp, Messenger, SMS, or email.

Here is an example of an email of thanks I just sent to our local doctor:

Dr. ________,
Thank you for your help.
We appreciate you.

Dennis & Luiza

Business cards with the QR code make sharing your story even easier.

  1. Login and download the QR code from your story page.
  2. Print business cards with your QR code and a question about life.
  3. Give people you meet your card with the link to your story and QR code.

Why do we add 2 or 3 articles after each story?

Personal experience is great, but there are a lot of other issues that keep people from trusting Christ. Most people today are steeped in naturalism, materialism, or scientism, and view religion as one of those accessories you can add to your life like special sauce at a fast-food restaurant. We want them to read your story then explore more. Our articles help them sort through these worldviews and understand their weaknesses when compared with the reality of a Jesus who conquered death to give us life. Explore where they are in their spiritual journey using our online guide: The Journey: A Discipleship GPS

Ways to use this website in conversation

#1 Speaking of death, you may want to start a conversation with a taboo topic like that. Your conversation could go like this…

  • What do you think happens when you die?
  • How do you know?
  • How could you be sure?
  • What if you are wrong?
  • If your soul lives forever, you could be wrong for a long time. 🙂
  • Would you be willing to read something on this topic?

At this point you tap the icon for LifeFound.Me/death you have saved on your phone. Each story or article has its own QR code. Usually a smart phone camera app will recognize the QR code. They tap the link to open the article on their own phone. If you don’t speak their native language, show them how to switch to their language. If you are logged in, the link will include ?source=(your user id). We save a cookie so that if they write us later on the contact page, we will know it came from you.

#2 Let’s say you meet someone and try to engage in a conversation about God, but they shut you down with “I don’t want to talk about religion”, “My life is just fine as it is”, or “Faith is a personal matter.” You respond: “Do you know why people say that?” (They respond.) “Could I share a short article with you that explains why that approach to life may be harmful?”

Pull up LifeFound.Me on your phone and help them to scan it to their phone, then search for “taboo”, or navigate to the God Taboo article using the menu. Since they scanned it from you the source cookie will point to you if they contact us.

#3 Let’s say you meet someone at a bus stop and have just 5 minutes. You say:

  • Did you know that many people today have no idea what life is all about?
  • They tell us it is an accident that you and I are here on this planet.
  • Could I share an article that points out the problems with this?

Hand them a LifeFound.Me card (or scan the QR from your phone) and help them to search for “What is real?”. Explain that these articles deal with common misconceptions about reality and life.

#4 Any of these scenarios can easily be adapted for use in social media. Ask a question and get your friends to weigh in on the topic, then refer to a LifeFound.Me article. If you want to share the gospel with a friend on Facebook just message them with question about life or meaning. Get their response and suggest a link to check out and give their impressions to you.

#5 Choose an article on the website, for example /purpose or /matter and build a Facebook ad to highlight that topic. If you want to meet with men who are age 20-30 in your city, set your ad to target that audience for 2 weeks and engage those men in an online conversation.

#6 You disciple someone and want to help them share their faith in Christ. Ask them to:

  • Think of one not-yet-believer they know.
  • Pray for that person actively for one week while looking for an article on LifeFound.Me that might best speak to that person.
  • Share the article on Messenger or WhatsApp and ask for their feedback.
  • Follow-up asking if there is a time when you could talk.

#7 You offer English tutoring as a way to build relationships in your city. Choose an article on LifeFound.Me to discuss and ask them to read it first in English, then in their own language before you meet. They should write down any unfamiliar words. To expand your ministry, you advertise on Google and offer a free quiz to assess their English knowledge level with a coupon for 5 free hours of tutoring.

When we make disciples of Jesus for the kingdom of God, it rarely happens in isolation. Discipleship is a team sport. We see both Jesus and Paul making disciples in a team setting. Even though we involve technology in the process, we still want to work together as a team. The LifeFound.Me evangelistic website supports this dynamic with the following roles:

  • Evangelist – You. The follower of Jesus who has contact with someone.
  • Responder – Regularly checks for new contacts on the website in a language and responds either with answers or questions.
  • Dispatcher – Matches the contact up with a spiritual mentor, usually of the same gender and located as close as possible.  
  • Mentor – Leads the contact to follow Christ and share Him with others.

Note: Journey2.Life was the previous domain name. You may use the longer if you prefer.